Community Archive

Regione Umbria awarded for the migration to LibreOffice

LibreUmbria, the migration project of Regione Umbria to LibreOffice, has been awarded a prize for innovation – for metholodology and process – as one of top 10 Italian government projects in 2012/2013.

The migration project has been launched in September 2012, and is documented on the project’s website at (only in

LibreOffice Bay Area Meetup on May, 11 2013

After the success of the LibreOffice Impress Sprint in Germany last month, we are very happy to announce the first LibreOffice Bay Area Meetup. It will take place on May 11, 2013 starting at 2pm in the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, California. Simon Phipps and Bjoern Michaelsen will

Impress Sprint Dresden Retrospective

The weekend before Easter, a number of hackers congregated in the beautiful city of Dresden, Germany for the first Impress Sprint. Hosted by Dresden Technical University’s Institute for Applied Photophysics, and run by TDF volunteers, the event was rooted in the desire to improve Impress for power users, and getting a number of those tiny,

Interview of Naruhiko Ogasawara, a localizer from Japan

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please, tell us a bit about yourself.402282_464389833584422_1344809811_n

I’m a member of LibreOffice Japanese Team; working in the backyard of Japanese community. Driving

Interview with LibreOffice localizers around the world: Helen & Sophie

Today we interview two great women, Helen Ushakova and Sophie Gautier, from the Russophone and Francophone communities.helenrussian

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please, tell us a bit

Waving TDF Long Tail

TDF Long Tail

In 2012, developers hacking LibreOffice code have been around 320, with a majority of volunteers and a minority of people paid by companies such as SUSE, RedHat and Canonical (plus a multitude of smaller organizations such as Lanedo, which is also a