Announcements Archive

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 5.3.1

Berlin, March 16, 2017 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the availability of LibreOffice 5.3.1, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 5.3 family released in early February, with 100

Announcement of LibreOffice 5.2.6

Berlin, March 9, 2017 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 5.2.6, the sixth minor release of the LibreOffice 5.2 family, targeted to enterprises and individual users in production environments.

TDF suggests to deploy

Announcing the Getting Started with LibreOffice 5.2 Guide for Immediate Download

Berlin, March 6, 2017 – The Document Foundation’s Documentation Team announces the immediate availability of the new Getting Started with LibreOffice guide version 5.2. The guide was updated to include the developments of LibreOffice 5.2 and previous releases.

The Getting Started guide is an introductory text for

Statement by The Document Foundation about the upcoming discussion at the City of Munich to step back to Windows and MS Office

The Document Foundation is an independent, charitable entity and the home of LibreOffice. We have followed the developments in Munich with great concerns and like to express our disappointment to

Stellungnahme der Document Foundation zur bevorstehenden Diskussion der Stadt München über eine Rückmigration zu Windows und MS Office

The Document Foundation ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Stiftung und die Heimat von LibreOffice. Wir haben die Entwicklungen in München mit großer Besorgnis verfolgt und sind enttäuscht darüber, dass eine kleine Gruppe von Politikern

The Document Foundation announces feature-rich LibreOffice 5.3

Berlin, February 1st, 2017 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 5.3, one of the most feature-rich releases in the history of the application. The office suite is immediately available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and for