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LibreOffice: Advent Tip #19

donations.ods - LibreOffice Calc_006 donations.ods - LibreOffice Calc_007

LibreOffice Calc allows to show quite easily the top

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #18

odf-guidance.odt - LibreOfficeDev Writer_004 LibreOffice allows to select the language to check the spelling of a document – or a paragraph – by clicking on the language area of the status bar. The action opens a menu with

LibreHolidays & Best Wishes


LibreOffice: Advent Tip #17

donations_003LibreOffice allows to save different versions of the same document in the ODF file. The feature can be accessed with the menu File > Versions…, which opens the dialog windows on the left.

The different options on this

LibreOffice 5.0.4 is available for download

libreofficsplashBerlin, December 17, 2015 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 5.0.4, the fourth release of the LibreOffice 5.0 family, with a large number of fixes over the previous releases. So

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #16

Options - LibreOfficeDev - Paths_002 LibreOffice can be configured according to user needs with the menu Tools > Options, which opens a context sensible dialog window with a menu on the left and many corresponding option