Status quo on the Foundation, Part II

Recently, we’ve blogged about the current status of the Foundation, and now would like to give you some short updates to tell you where we stand and what’s still to do.

The translation of our Community Bylaws into German has been done. It took a tremendous amount of work to retain the spirit of the English version, while adapting it to German legalese.…

Info on membership application number

As Sophie notes on the steering-discuss list, we already have about 100 membership requests. Wow!

The Document Foundation is open for members

With the last months the community around LibreOffice and The Document Foundation worked hard to establish policies, processes, infrastructure and all the things you need to deliver a high quality software. One of our basic principles is that we will acknowledge this merit and allow all the contributors to become official members of our community. All members will have the right to run for a seat in the Foundation’s Board of Directors, elect the board and drive the future of our projects.…

What we strive for

The Document Foundation and LibreOffice represent already a future path of development for the OOo community and the OOo code base, as it was originally announced on September 28, 2010.

The Document Foundation:

  • Is an independent self-governing meritocratic Foundation, created by leading members of the Community.
  • Continues to build on the foundation of ten years’ dedicated work by the

LibreOffice 3.4 Beta 1 available

Dear Community,

The Document Foundation is happy to announce the first beta release of LibreOffice 3.4. The upcoming 3.4 will be the second major release of the LibreOffice project, and comes with many exciting new features. Please be aware that LibreOffice 3.4 beta1 is not yet ready for production use, you should continue to use LibreOffice 3.3.2 for that.…

Developer interview: Christina Rossmanith

In this developer interview we talk someone who started with helping out other developers by translating comments in the code from German to English.

“Translating of comments brings me across different parts of the code, so I get a feeling for LibreOffice.”

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please ! tell us a bit about yourself.

In what other software projects have you been involved ?

None, this is my first project.

What do you do when you’re not working on LibreOffice ?

I’m working in the field of medical image processing (part time), bring my four daughters up,
play volleyball / coach volleyball girls, play flute, read, cook …
