LibreOffice on stage at the Libre Software World Conference in Zaragoza
The Internet, November 9, 2011 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.4.4, an improved version of the award-winning free office suite for Windows, Mac and Linux. LibreOffice has recently won InfoWorld’s BOSSIE Award 2011 as Best of Open Source Software, and the Open World Forum Experiment Award of Most-Popular Software.…
If you are using Google+, Google’s social network, from today on, you can show your support and appreciation to LibreOffice and TDF. We have created our own sites there, and invite you to join us!
Simon Phipps posted this today to the announcement mailing list:
“Having received no objections to the preliminary election results I posted on October 20th within the period described in the election rules, it is now my pleasure to declare the results of the 2011 Board elections for The Document Foundation.
I declare the following Members of The Document Foundation duly elected as Board Members:
- Thorsten Behrens
- Florian Effenberger
- Olivier Hallot
- Michael Meeks
- Caolán McNamara
- Charles-H Schulz
- Italo Vignoli
I declare the following Members of The Document Foundation duly elected as Deputies:
- Jesús Corrius
- Andreas Mantke
- Bjoern Michaelsen
Full election materials can be found at…
Are you looking for ways to enhance your free office suite? Do you need some nice templates? The Document Foundation is proud to announce that today, the LibreOffice Extensions and Templates repository has been put online at
This new website is one of the many community efforts at the LibreOffice project. Led by Andreas Mantke, a team of international community volunteers has worked hard during the past weeks to make this new repository possible, to the benefit of millions of LibreOffice and free office users worldwide.…
The election results have been processed using OpenSTV by multiple members of the Membership Committee, and I am now confident that we have a result ready for review pending confirmation next week. Full election materials can be found at
Candidates are sorted here in their order of overall preference after all preferences have been considered according to the Meek STV with Droop-Dynamic-Fractional threshold method.…