LibreOffice Conference – registration deadline ends tomorrow

Just about one more week, and this years’ LibreOffice Conference takes place in Berlin. I would like to remind you that the deadline for the registration ends tomorrow,

Monday, October 8th, 2012, at 21:59 UTC

If you want to attend the conference, and didn’t register so far, we urge you to do so within the deadline at

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6.2

Berlin, October 4, 2012 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.6.2, for Windows, MacOS and Linux, solving bugs and regressions and further improving the stability of the program for corporate deployments. The best free office suite ever is quickly becoming the de facto standard for migrations to free office suites, thanks to the quickly growing feature set and the improved interoperability with proprietary software.…

LibreOffice Community invites to Munich Hackfest

City of Munich LiMux project hosts Hackfest late November
Fostering the developer community of the free office suite

The LibreOffice Community today announces the next Hackfest, taking place in Munich, Germany from November 23rd to 25th. With developers of the leading free office suite working on improving the code, the Hackfest promises to be a major event for everyone interested in developing free software.…

The Document Foundation celebrates its second anniversary and starts fundraising campaign to reach the next stage

Fourth quarter’s donors define the communities budget for the next year

Berlin, September 28, 2012 – The Document Foundation celebrates its second anniversary since the announcement of the project on September 28, 2010. During the last 12 months, the foundation was legally established in Berlin, the Board of Directors and the Membership Committee were elected by TDF members, where membership is based on meritocracy and not on invitation, Intel became a supporter, and LibreOffice 3.5 and 3.6 families were announced.…

LibreOffice Community announces broad program for its Berlin conference

Tracks on development, marketing, migration and community success
The Document Foundation to host official ODF Plugfest and ODF Plugtesting

The LibreOffice community today announces the program for its Berlin conference (October 17th to 19th). Taking place at the conference center of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), and sponsored by leading players Canonical, Google and SerNet, it is not only the annual gathering of the worldwide community, but also meeting point for governmental and corporate adopters and innovators.…

Meet the Membership Committee

The Members of The Document Foundation have just elected the new Membership Committee, with five members – Sophie Gautier, Fridrich Štrba, Eike Rathke, Cor Nouws and Jean Weber – and two deputies – Simon Phipps and Leif Lodahl.

I think that there are a couple of significant facts to underline here: the number of the original TDF founders is lower than the number of new TDF members (although several of them have been active in the project for a long time), and the number of independent members is higher than the number of people affiliated with companies sponsoring TDF.…