Announcing the ODF Toolkit 0.12.0 release

Open Document Format logo

ODF is the Open Document Format, the native format used by LibreOffice (and supported by many other apps too). It has various sub-formats such as .odt for text files, .ods for spreadsheets, and .odp for presentations.

Meanwhile, the ODF Toolkit is a set of Java modules that allow programmatic creation, scanning and manipulation of ODF files.…

LibreOffice Help files have now a much better content editor

The LibreOffice Help documentation project members have now a much better Help editor, thanks to Juan José Gonzales (JJ) of the TDF team.

Based on the editor originally created by Olivier Hallot and Mike Saunders, the new editor was greatly improved by JJ fixing many usability issues, adding a handy toolbar to the editor and automating some tasks for rendering the help page.…

LibreOffice project and community recap: December 2023

Recap logo

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…

Happy New Year

Thanks to everyone who contributed to LibreOffice in 2023! 😊

Collage of people at LibreOffice events in 2023

We at The Document Foundation would like to say a huge thank you to everyone in the LibreOffice community who helped out in 2023. Whether you contributed to our projects, made a donation to support us, or spread the word to bring in new users: thank you so much! You helped to make 2023 a great year for our community and software.…

Recap of LibreOffice Localization Sprint 2023 in Nepal

LibreOffice Localization Sprint 2023 in Nepal

Suraj Bhattarai, our Liaison for the LibreOffice Nepali Community, sent us this report:

In October 2023, the LibreOffice Nepali Community organized an online localization event. They called it the “LibreOffice Localization Sprint 2023” with a tagline “Unlock Native: LibreOffice Speaks Nepali”. The localization sprint was mentored by localization expert Saroj Dhakal, our liaison in Nepal (me – Suraj Bhattarai) and Kathmandu University engineering student Aadarsha Dhakal.…