LibreOffice is privileged to have been accepted as a Google Summer of Code 2011 organization. Don’t hesitate to spread the news and to contact us for more information to start on a project. All our project ideas with mentors are in the wiki and we are eager to encourage students to sign up
Technology Archive
18 Feb 2011
LibreOffice has been awarded
LibreOffice has been awarded by with a donation of 300 €. Thank you very much for your support!
…28 Jan 2011
The Document Foundation, LibreOffice and OOXML
If you thought we were all back to sleep after the release of LibreOffice 3.3, think again! The Steering Committee is at work and today we wanted to publish our opinion on a touchy subject, the support of OOXML in LibreOffice. LibreOffice offers the ability to export documents in the Microsoft Office formats, and these
05 Jan 2011
Ubuntu 11.04 will ship LibreOffice instead of OOo
According to this posting,, Ubuntu 11.04 will ship LibreOffice instead of OOo. Several other distributions are rumored to at least ship LibreOffice by default. Great times ahead!