Technology Archive

ODF 1.2 has been approved as an OASIS standard

ODF 1.2, the document format adopted by LibreOffice, has been approved as an OASIS standard. Although we are still waiting the formal OASIS announcement, there have been a dry email by Chet Ensign and a more enthusiastic post by Rob Weir who provide several details about the story. Amongst the TC

LibreOffice API documentation is now online

As a result of the LibreOffice Hackfest 2011 in Munich, the LibreOffice API documentation is now online at

Trouble accessing our website?

In case you are having troubles accessing the LibreOffice website, you might be affected by this problem:

LibreOffice Hackfest in Munich

Together with their Linux migration team (LiMux), we’re planning a LibreOffice Hackfest in the City of Munich, Germany. To determine the best date for it, let us know all your possible dates! Like last time, the Hackfest is open for newbies as well as for routined hackers. More details will follow soon, but first, we

LibreOffice accepted for Google Summer of Code

LibreOffice is privileged to have been accepted as a Google Summer of Code 2011 organization. Don’t hesitate to spread the news and to contact us for more information to start on a project. All our project ideas with mentors are in the wiki and we are eager to encourage students to sign up

LibreOffice has been awarded

LibreOffice has been awarded by with a donation of 300 €. Thank you very much for your support!