Today is Document Freedom Day (DFD) 2018, an annual event to celebrate and raise awareness about Open Standards scheduled on the last Wednesday of March. Document Freedom Day was first celebrated on 26 March 2008. Since 2016,
Standards Archive
27 Mar 2018
Document Freedom Day 2018
19 Jul 2017
Taming the LibreOffice Help System
LibreOffice’s help system needs to evolve and be more effective for users.
LibreOffice’s help system was designed in 2003-2004 and released in 2005. Since then it has not evolved, except for the introduction of an online version hosted in a wiki server (and accessible from LibreOffice when the local help is not installed).
I worked recently to
24 Jul 2014
The Document Foundation congratulates the UK government for their revolutionary and historic choice of open document standards
UK citizens will be the first in Europe to be liberated from proprietary lock-ins
Berlin, July 23, 2014 – The Document Foundation (TDF) congratulates the UK government for the selection of the Open Document Format (ODF), in addition to Portable Document Format (PDF), to meet user needs. LibreOffice, the free office suite developed by TDF, supports