Open Document Format Archive

Update from the ODF Technical Committee

While waiting for the official publication of ODF (OpenDocument) 1.3 as an OASIS Standard, after the approval of the ODF Technical Committee Draft at the end of April 2021, there are a few news updates

FOSDEM 2021: LibreOffice DevRoom Call for Papers

FOSDEM 2021 will be a virtual event, taking place online on Saturday, February 6, and Sunday, February 7 ( The LibreOffice DevRoom is scheduled for Sunday, February 7, from 9AM to 7PM (times

20 Years of the FOSS Office Suite

Twenty years ago, on July 19, 2000, Sun Microsystems announced at O’Reilly Open Source Convention in Monterey, California, the release of the source code of its StarOffice Suite to the open source community. Thus

Document Freedom Day 2020

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Paint a Dove for Document Freedom Day


Help us celebrate the Twelfth Anniversary of Document Freedom Day by making a paper dove!

Download the dove template and the instructions from this link:, and once you are done

Document Freedom in 2020

In the age of the cloud, most people think they don’t have “real” files any more, as these have been replaced by pointers in an online system. They don’t realise they have lost their freedom until they