Development Archive

Start developing LibreOffice! Registering with Git and Gerrit, and local settings

Please don’t use these instructions in practice – they become obsolete over time. Instead, follow the wiki article on gerrit.

(This post was originally written in Hungarian by Adam Kovacs for his blog. Thanks Adam!)

Want to start hacking on the LibreOffice source code? Start here! Follow the

LibreOffice Paris HackFest

The LibreOffice Paris HackFest 2019 will take place on the weekend of July 5th-6th, at le 137, which is at 137 Boulevard Magenta, Paris 10e, France. The event is sponsored by INNO3, hosting the hackfest in their building, and The Document Foundation, providing reimbursement for travels and accommodations.

LibreOffice Paris HackFest will start on Friday at

Next C++ workshop: Binary Search Trees, 23 May at 18:00 UTC

Learn C++ features with the help of LibreOffice developers! We’re running regular workshops which focus on a specific topic, and are accompanied by a real-time IRC meeting. For the next one, the topic is Binary Search Trees. Start by watching this presentation:

Next C++ workshop: Binary Trees, 9 May at 18:00 UTC

Boost your C++ skills with the help of LibreOffice developers! We’re running regular workshops which focus on a specific topic, and are accompanied by a real-time IRC meeting. For the next one, the topic is Binary Trees. Start by watching this presentation:

Next C++ workshop: Linked Lists / Stack Classes; PQs and Heaps, 25 April at 18:00 UTC

Boost your C++ skills with the help of LibreOffice developers! We’re running regular workshops which focus on a specific topic, and are accompanied by a real-time IRC meeting. For the next one, the topic is Linked Lists / Stack Classes; PQs and Heaps. Start by watching this presentation:

Next C++ workshop: Linked Lists, 11 April at 18:00 UTC

Another workshop is coming up! Improve your C++ skills with the help of LibreOffice developers: we’re running regular workshops which focus on a specific topic, and are accompanied by a real-time IRC meeting. For the next one, the topic is Linked Lists. Start by watching this presentation: