Community Archive

Final week of the Month of LibreOffice, November 2017!

Yes, we’re into the final week of this Month of LibreOffice, which gives thanks (and stickers) to our great worldwide community for all their hard work! Here’s how many stickers have been awarded so far:


Click the number to see if your (user)name is on the list – and if so, you’ll soon be

Video: Bjoern Michaelsen talks about growing the LibreOffice community

Bjoern Michaelsen is on the Board of Directors at The Document Foundation. We talked to him at the recent LibreOffice Conference in Rome about the challenges of growing a community. Also, we look ahead to some new ideas for hackfests.

Month of LibreOffice, November 2017: First week’s results

On the 1st of November we started a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating contributions from our worldwide community. Everyone who helps out with the project gets a chance to win a cool sticker. So, one week in, how are we doing?

Well, so far 137 stickers

Event reports: LibreOffice in Cyprus and Czech Republic

Throughout the year, LibreOffice community members attend events around the world, helping to promote free software and open standards. We’re really grateful for their work! Today we have a couple of reports from recent events – and we start with Muhammet Kara who has been busy in Cyprus:

I attended the Free Software and Linux Seminar

LibreOffice Conference 2017: Group photos

We’ve had some requests to share the group photos from the recent LibreOffice Conference in Rome, so here they are! (These are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.)

Click for high-res versions:

The November 2017 Month of LibreOffice begins!

Six months ago we ran a Month of LibreOffice, crediting contributions all across the project – from development and documentation through to QA and translations. And today we’re starting another one! If you use LibreOffice and want to help improve it, you can join our community and get a shiny