The LibreOffice community has a wide geographical reach, which is shown on this map, where all countries where there is at least a TDF Member are shown in green.
The LibreOffice community will gather in Aarhus
The LibreOffice community has a wide geographical reach, which is shown on this map, where all countries where there is at least a TDF Member are shown in green.
The LibreOffice community will gather in Aarhus
The organizing committee has published the calendar of events at the upcoming LibreOffice Conference in Aarhus:
On Tuesday, September 22nd, there will be a Community Dinner at Restaurant Flammen:
On Wednesday, September
Berlin, August 19, 2015 – Following the announcement of LibreOffice 5.0, The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the availability of LibreOffice in Guarani, the language spoken by 80% of the population in Paraguay, and the official second language of the country.
Guarani is spoken in parts of northeastern Argentina (Corrientes, Formosa,Misiones, eastern parts of the Province of Chaco,
With the beginning of 2015, a new year packed with exciting projects and ideas around LibreOffice and The Document Foundation, we today finish our behind-the-scenes series, to share achievements in 2014 with our community and our generous donours, to whom we’d like to express our sincerest gratitude and thanks for their incredible and wonderful
With the beginning of 2015, a new year packed with exciting projects and ideas around LibreOffice and The Document Foundation, we continue our behind-the-scenes series, to share achievements in 2014 with our community and our generous donours, to whom we’d like to express our sincerest gratitude and thanks for their incredible and wonderful support
Towards the end of the year, The Document Foundation would like to share achievements in 2014 with our community and our generous donours, to whom we’d like to express our sincerest gratitude and thanks for their incredible and wonderful support and their invaluable contributions!
Sophie Gautier is in charge of our L10N and NLP projects