At the recent online DINAcon (Digital Sustainability Conference) in Switzerland, Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation gave a talk about how TDF and the LibreOffice community works.
And guess what: our community won an award at DINAcon too: Best Community 2020! We’re really proud to have such an active, passionate
Every year, InfoWorld editors and contributors pick the top open source software for data centers, clouds, developers, big data analysts, and IT pros. LibreOffice has been selected amongst InfoWorld’s top picks in open source business
LibreOffice has won two different awards at PortalProgramas.Com, for the following categories:
- Mayor potencial de crecimiento (best growth potential), because it is regularly updated and is open to new features and applications;
- Esencial para empresas (essential for enterprises), because it covers all enterprise office automation needs without adding license costs.
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LibreUmbria, the migration project of Regione Umbria to LibreOffice, has been awarded a prize for innovation – for metholodology and process – as one of top 10 Italian government projects in 2012/2013.
The migration project has been launched in September 2012, and is documented on the project’s website at www.libreumbria.it (only in