Including hackers certified in 2012, TDF Certified Developers are now 37
Berlin, December 11, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) unveils the list of the Certified Developers appointed in 2013: Noel Grandin (independent), Matúš Kukan (Collabora), Noel Power (SUSE), Muthu Subramanian (Collabora), Miklos Vajna (Collabora), certified in March; Maxime de Roucy (Linagora), Winfried Donkers (independent), Radek
Dear TDF members,
It is nearly time to vote for the next Board of Directors! During the past weeks, members have been nominated or nominated themselves, willing to serve at the Board of our Foundation. People working on all aspects of LibreOffice and in all parts of the community. So now the important task for all
Open document editors are coming again to FOSDEM with a shared
devroom which gives every project in this area a chance to present
ODF related developments and innovations. The devroom is organized
by Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice.
We invite submission of talks for the Open Document Editors devroom,
Berlin, November 1st, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 4.1.3, for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. This is the third minor release of the LibreOffice 4.1 family, which features a large number of improved interoperability features with proprietary and legacy file formats.
The new release is another step forward in the process of
Berlin, October 24, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 4.0.6, for Windows, OS X and Linux, the sixth and probably last minor release of the LibreOffice 4.0 family, targeted to corporate deployments – when backed by professional support – and conservative users.
LibreOffice 4.0.6 solves almost 70 bugs and regressions over the previous release,
Dear Community,
we hereby officially announce the upcoming elections for the next Board of Directors of The Document Foundation.
As per § 7 II of our statues, [1] the Board’s term lasts two years. The Document Foundation has been formally incorporated on February 17, 2012, at which day the current Board of Directors officially was set in