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The Document Foundation announces the members of the Engineering Steering Committee

The body coordinates development activities and defines the technology evolution of LibreOffice

The Internet, May 23, 2011 – The Document Foundation presents the members of the Engineering Steering Committee, the second body to be announced – after the Membership Committee – of those envisioned by the foundation bylaws. The ESC has come into being in early

Announcing a new beta release

Today we are announcing the fifth beta release of LibreOffice 3.4.

In a slight change of communication strategy for our releases, from now on we will use the “announce” mailing list only for announcements of final and stable versions.

LibreOffice 3.4 Beta 5 is being announced on “projects”, “development” and “localization” mailing lists, in order to allow

The Document Foundation is open for members

With the last months the community around LibreOffice and The Document Foundation worked hard to establish policies, processes, infrastructure and all the things you need to deliver a high quality software. One of our basic principles is that we will acknowledge this merit and allow all the contributors to become official members of our community.

What we strive for

The Document Foundation and LibreOffice represent already a future path of development for the OOo community and the OOo code base, as it was originally announced on September 28, 2010.

The Document Foundation:

  • Is an independent self-governing meritocratic Foundation, created by leading members of the Community.
  • Continues to build on the foundation of ten years’ dedicated work

Developer interview: Christina Rossmanith

In this developer interview we talk someone who started with helping out other developers by translating comments in the code from German to English.

“Translating of comments brings me across different parts of the code, so I get a feeling for LibreOffice.”

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please ! tell us

LibreOffice accepted for Google Summer of Code

LibreOffice is privileged to have been accepted as a Google Summer of Code 2011 organization. Don’t hesitate to spread the news and to contact us for more information to start on a project. All our project ideas with mentors are in the wiki and we are eager to encourage students to sign up