LibreOffice 3.3.2 Release Candidate 1 available

The Document Foundation is happy to announce the first release candidate of LibreOffice 3.3.2. The upcoming 3.3.2 is the second in a series of frequent bugfix releases on top of our LibreOffice 3.3 product. Please be aware that LibreOffice 3.3.2 RC1 is not yet ready for production use, you should continue to use LibreOffice 3.3 for that. (more…)

New version of German LibreOffice-Box

A new version of the German LibreOffice-Box, 3.3.1, is now available. For details see the press release. An international version of our downloadable ISO is in planning, so stay tuned.

Interview with Paulo José O. Amaro

By: Clóvis Tristão
Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Web Designer and Computer Science Student in the Federal University of São João del-Rei, Paulo José. He has been outstanding with his work in LibreOffice, specially in the Design Team. Hope you enjoy the interview with this promising Artist.
Now, tell us a bit about yourself:
It’s a bit weird to talk about myself in a interview, since I’m just a student.

LibreOffice Conference to be held in Paris this October

The Document Foundation today announced the first annual LibreOffice Conference, which will be held in Paris from October 12th to 15th. Carrying on the tradition of previous OOoCon conferences, the LibreOffice Conference will be the event for those interested in the development of free office productivity software, open standards, and the OpenDocument format generally. Read the full press release.

Thousands of donors contribute €50,000 in just eight days to The Document Foundation

The Community around LibreOffice, the free personal productivity suite, has accomplished the next major milestone in establishing The Document Foundation as a legal entity. In just eight days, some 2,000 donors from all over the world contributed €50,000 for the capital stock necessary to set-up the legal entity in Germany.

“We still can’t believe it,” says Florian Effenberger, Steering Committee member. “It happened in such a short period of time and was beyond our wildest expectations. You all really rock! On behalf of the Community, the Steering Committee would like to thank all the donors for their generous support.” (more…)

LibreOffice 3.3.1 brings new colored icons

The Internet, February 23, 2011 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.3.1, the first micro release of the free office suite for personal productivity, to improve the stability of the software and eliminate crashes affecting the Windows version. LibreOffice 3.3.1 also brings new colorful icons based on The Document Foundation branding guidelines, and includes updates to several language versions.…