Have you seen our new and improved way of filing bugs for LibreOffice? This bug submission assistant was made by the community. ๐ Some more details on it is available in Loic’s blog post.
…LibreOffice Conference Program
Paris, October 13 to October 15, 2011
Over 200 people – members of The Document Foundation and free software advocates – will gather in Paris to celebrate the first anniversary of the project and discuss ideas and new plans for the future
The Document Foundation announces the program of the first LibreOffice Conference, which will gather over 200 people – members of the project and free software advocates – in Paris from October 13 to October 15, 2011.…
InfoWorld awards Best of Open Source to LibreOffice
LibreOffice is one of the winners of InfoWorld BOSSIE – Best of Open Source – Awards 2011.
…OpenOffice.org desperately needed a rejuvenating shot in the arm, and it’s come in the form of the LibreOffice project, a variant of OO.o developed by the Document Foundation (the folks behind the ODF standard).
LibreOffice launches faster, runs more reliably, and sports an incrementally better set of features than OpenOffice.org
LibreOffice Conference schedule is online
The LibreOffice Conference schedule is online at http://conference.libreoffice.org/programme/
In case you haven’t registered yet, let us know about your participation at http://conference.libreoffice.org/conference-registration/
LibreOffice launches extension and templates repository for public beta test
Developers invited to contribute their add-ons
Community-based review process ensures quality and reliability
LibreOffice, the free office productivity suite, can be enhanced with hundreds of extensions and templates. Users can download these smart extras to improve the suite’s functionality to fit their job or hobby, and developers can easily write their own add-ons and share it with millions of users worldwide.…
LibreOffice Portable 3.4.3 available
Thanks to the great work by PortableApps.com, LibreOffice Portable 3.4.3 is now available at http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/portable/3.4.3/