Tips & Tricks Archive

Advent Resource #2: TDF/LibreOffice Press Releases

downloadThe Document Foundation issues a press release in English – and in other languages, according to the availability of volunteer translators – for major and minor software releases, and for other significant announcements such

Advent Resource #1: TDF/LibreOffice Press Clippings

downloadThe Document Foundation and LibreOffice produce a large number of articles in every kind of media, especially online: from dailies to tech magazines and blogs in every possible language. Keeping track of every publication

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #24

Bugzilla Main PageLibreOffice last tip of the series (a huge success, according to the numbers) is slightly different from the previous ones, because is not a real tip but an invitation to help the project

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #23


LibreOffice provides a Zoom & View Layout dialog which makes it easier to set the size of the document inside the software window. The feature can be accessed either with the menu View > Zoom > Zoom… or by double clicking on the zooming

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #22


LibreOffice has several hidden gems, ignored by the majority of the users. One of these gems is the creation of editable PDF forms, which is a rather comprehensive feature and not a simple tip (but after 20 days, even the most basic user is

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #21

Extensions — LibreOffice ExtensionsLibreOffice offers a large number of dictionaries for spell checking documents and presentations. They are available from the Extensions website, and can be searched by using one