Team Archive

Behind the scenes at TDF: LibreOffice QA (Halloween Bug Hunting)

robinson-in-brusselsLibreOffice QA has been busy during the last few months!

We had our 

Behind the scenes at TDF: NLP/L10n

_SDS5526LibOCon in Aarhus, Denmark, has been a really nice meeting especially for the L10n/NLP communities with a large workshop on the day before the opening of the conference. Even the whole afternoon was

Behind the scenes at TDF: marketing and PR

italovignoli-cheersMarketing and PR at TDF are a very demanding task, as we are covering the entire world from a single point in Europe. It is a challenging role, and also

Behind the scenes at TDF: Jan Iversen, mentoring development lead

janiversensmallI started working for Document Foundation in November. I live and work in southern Spain, Malaga, a nice warm place. I wrote my first program in 1975, so I have been active in the pre-unix, pre-linux,

Behind the scenes at TDF: Karl Morten Ramberg, marketing intern

kmr2I am working as marketing intern since October, living and working out of Lillehammer, Norway. I have been working with open source software and projects since around the year 2000. Before that I was a development manager for ERP software for some years. I

Behind the scenes at TDF: L10N and NLP in the first half of 2015

_SDS5526Now that the summer vacation time is over for many of us, it’s time to have a look at what has been happening behind the scenes with our fantastic native-language community. And indeed – it’s a