Conference Archive

LibreOffice Conference 2016 in Brno (Czech Republic)

Brno-ViewfromSpilberkBerlin, October 12, 2015 – The Document Foundation announces that the next LibreOffice Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Information Technology @ Brno University

The geography of LibreOffice

The LibreOffice community has a wide geographical reach, which is shown on this map, where all countries where there is at least a TDF Member are shown in green.



The LibreOffice community will gather in Aarhus for

The program of the LibreOffice Conference 2015 is online

03g_schmidt hammer lassen architects-smallThe program of the LibreOffice Conference 2015 has been published on the conference website at the address: There is a separate page for each day of the event, including the community

Program of Events at LibreOffice Conference in Aarhus

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe organizing committee has published the calendar of events at the upcoming LibreOffice Conference in Aarhus:

On Tuesday, September 22nd, there will be a Community Dinner at Restaurant Flammen:

On Wednesday,

LibreOffice Conference 2015 will open in a month

03b_schmidt hammer lassen architects_small 03c_schmidt hammer lassen architects-smallBerlin, August 24, 2015 – LibreOffice Conference 2015 will open

Registration for the LibreOffice Conference is now open

Berlin, Juli 1st, 2015 – Registration for the LibreOffice Conference, which will be hosted by the Danish city of Aarhus from September 23 to September 25, 2015, is now open at:

Call for Papers is still open until July 15, 2015.