We started the day with presentations – such as LibreOffice’s user experience advantages:
Meanwhile, the Engineering Steering Committee met in person:
Relaxing with pasta for lunch!
And then time for the group photo…
Having fun at the hackfest in the evening:
Now we’re into the
We welcomed attendees this morning:
Then the opening session began!
Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, joined us to talk about the importance of free and open source software in the city:
Fun and games at lunchtime:
Björn Michaelsen and Florian Effenberger celebrated 20 years of the Open
We’ll be posting regular updates on this blog from the conference in Tirana – in the meantime, check out some pics of the city, the conference venue, the pre-meeting dinner, and the community meeting…
Yes, the LibreOffice Conference takes place later this month in Tirana, Albania – and over 100 people have already registered! It’s going to be a great event, with talks about new technologies in LibreOffice, community discussions, plans for the future of the project… And fun evening events as well!
Come join us
Yes, this year’s LibreOffice Conference takes place from September 25 – 28 in Albania. Register today, meet our community, and have fun! Here’s a quick preview:
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The Document Foundation reminds all members and contributors to submit talks, lectures and workshops for this year’s conference in Tirana (Albania). The event is scheduled for late September, from Wednesday 26 to