Yesterday, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced that the opportunity to apply for LibreOffice certification for migrations and training is now available to FSF Associate Members. In 2015,
Certification Archive
21 Sep 2017
LibreOffice Certification is now available to FSF Members
27 Dec 2016
The Document Foundation opens LibreOffice Certification for Migrations and Trainings to all project volunteers, to members of not-for-profit bodies, and to individuals of proven competence
25 May 2015
Behind the scenes at TDF: Certification Project, an update
Italo Vignoli is one of the founders of The Document Foundation, and has been a member of the first Steering Committee and then of the first Board of Directors until 2014. He has been active in marketing since the launch of the project, and has created the LibreOffice certification project from scratch. He is a
09 Feb 2015
TDF welcomes eight new LibreOffice certified professionals
The Document Foundation welcomes the eight new LibreOffice certified professionals who have successfully passed the first peer-to-peer review during FOSDEM in Brussels: Adriano Afonso from Portugal; Osvaldo Gervasi, Gabriele Ponzo, Enio Gemmo, Sonia Montegiove and Alfredo Parisi from Italy; Douglas Vigliazzi and Valdir Barbosa from Brasil. The eight TDF members have been certified for Migrations
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