Berlin, October 27, 2014 – The Document Foundation (TDF) joins the Open Source Business Alliance (OSB Alliance), to strengthen LibreOffice ecosystem by creating stronger ties with companies and organizations deploying the free office suite on a large scale.
The aim of OSB Alliance is to improve the success of open source software and open collaboration, through
Berlin, October 17, 2014 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces that the LibreOffice Conference 2015 will be jointly organized by the Danish LibreOffice community in collaboration with local F/OSS groups and the Aarhus
Berlin, September 25, 2014 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.3.2, the second minor release of LibreOffice 4.3 “fresh” family. Most of the over 80 fixes focus on interoperability issues when reading or writing Microsoft Office
Our Chairman of the Board announced this:
Dear members,
with the preliminary MC election results posted last Friday, and having received no objections within the challenge period, that ended last night, it is my pleasure to now declare the official results of the 2014 Membership Committee Election.
The board declares the following Members of The Document Foundation
The Document Foundation (TDF), the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free office suite LibreOffice, seeks for companies to
develop the base framework for an Android version of LibreOffice with basic editing capabilities
to start work as soon as possible.
TDF currently plans to invest into getting LibreOffice, its free office suite, to mobile Android devices like tablets
Dear members,
as previously announced, all members of The Document Foundation are called to vote on a new Membership Committee.
Members of The Document Foundation as of the day before the announcement are eligible to vote in the elections. The nomination period is now over, and we have received the following candidacies, in order of