Announcements Archive

Early availability of LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1: all users are invited to update for improved robustness and security

Berlin, February 9, 2018 – The Document Foundation announces the earlier than planned release of LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1, to solve issues which have popped up after the launch of LibreOffice 6.0. In addition,

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.0: power, simplicity, security and interoperability from desktop to cloud

Berlin, January 31, 2018 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.0, a major release and a dramatically improved free office suite, which celebrates the 7th anniversary of the availability of the very first version of

The Document Liberation project announces five new or improved libraries to export EPUB3 files and import AbiWord, MS Publisher, PageMaker and QuarkXPress documents

Berlin, January 22, 2018 – The Document Liberation Project announces five new or improved libraries to export EPUB3 and import AbiWord, MS Publisher, PageMaker and QuarkXPress files. The libraries have been originally developed for the LibreOffice 6.0

LibreOffice 5.4.4 available for download

Berlin, December 20, 2017 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 5.4.4, the fourth minor release of LibreOffice 5.4 family, one month before the major announcement of LibreOffice 6.0. Although

TDF supports the “Munich stays free” alliance

Following the recent decision by Munich’s City Council to step back to closed source and proprietary software, at a large cost to taxpayers, a group of free and open source software (FOSS) supporters have created a website explaining the importance of FOSS in public administrations.

The German website, called München bleibt frei (Munich stays

Lothar Becker appointed Co-Chair of TDF Certification Committee

Lothar Becker, a long-time member of the LibreOffice community (and previously of the OOo community), has been appointed Co-Chair of TDF’s Certification Committee, which has been chaired by Italo Vignoli since its inception in