Once a year, the LibreOffice Community hosts its annual, global community event, the LibreOffice Conference. After a successful Paris event in October 2011, in Berlin in October 2012, and just shortly after the great 2013 Milano Conference, the venue for the upcoming year 2014 will be voted on by the community. Traditionally, the LibreOffice Conference
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LibreOffice Conference – Registration is now open
In less than four weeks, the LibreOffice Conference 2013 will take place in Milan, Italy.
LibOCon is the global and annual event for the whole LibreOffice community and ecosystem, with creators, adopters and users meeting and gathering, exchanging ideas and thoughts. Dates are September 25-27 – see the conference site.
After the Call for Papers
The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.0.5
Berlin, August 22, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 4.0.5 for Windows, OS X and Linux, the fifth minor release of the stable LibreOffice 4.0 family. Users of the now-end-of-life LibreOffice 3.6 series are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
LibreOffice 4.0.5 fixes more than 90 bugs, many of them in the area of interoperability with
Call for Papers extended until August 22
From September 24 to 27, this year’s annual LibreOffice Conference takes place in Milano, Italy. It is the major annual event for all LibreOffice contributors, supporters, adopters and users, and will be jointly hosted by the Milan University together with the LibreOffice community.
We hereby announce that the Call for Papers will be extended until August
The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6.7
Berlin, July 18, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.6.7 for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, which will be the last maintenance release of the leading free office suite’s 3.6 series. All users, from enterprises to individual end users, are encouraged to update to the current and stable 4.0 series, or
AMD joins The Document Foundation Advisory Board to accelerate LibreOffice
Berlin, July 3rd, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces that AMD is now a member of its Advisory Board. AMD is a leading designer and integrator of pioneering technologies that are at the heart of the digital devices people use and experience daily, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
“It is great to work