Dear members,
as previously announced, all members of The Document Foundation are called to vote on a new Membership Committee.
Members of The Document Foundation as of the day before the announcement are eligible to vote in the elections. The nomination period is now over, and we have received the following candidacies, in order of
Berlin, August 5, 2014 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.2.6 “Still”, the seventh and last minor release of the most solid version of the software, ready for enterprise deployments and conservative users.
LibreOffice 4.2.6 arrives just one week after the successful launch of LibreOffice 4.3 “Fresh”, the most feature rich version of the office suite.…
Thorsten Behrens, Chairman of the Board at The Document Foundation, has announced the elections for the Membership Committee.
Dear Community,
all members of The Document Foundation are called to vote on a new Membership Committee. Therefore, the Board of Directors hereby announces the elections to the Membership Committee with the following timeline:
- 2014-07-19: announcement of the elections
Today is Document Freedom Day, a day for the global celebration of information accessibility and open standards. The community behind LibreOffice, the leading free office suite, joins the celebration around the globe by participating in events and informing about the importance of truly free standards.
“With tens of millions of users worldwide using LibreOffice, we are
Cor Nouws posted this today:
Dear members,
I hereby announce the final results of The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors elections 2013. With the challenging phase having ended without any objection to the preliminary results, the following results are now the final ones.
Elected as member are the candidates, in this order: Thorsten Behrens, Eliane Domingos de Sousa,
Cor Nouws posted this message today:
Dear members,
This is the announcement of the preliminary results of the voting for the Board of Directors. The number of members that casted their votes is 115, 57 members did not. And of course we thank all those who ran for elections!
With those preliminary results, elected as member of the