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LibreOffice is in the Google Summer of Code 2025!

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Everyone loves having shiny new features in LibreOffice. But how do we get them? Many are developed by volunteers and people in the ecosystem.

But another great source of new features is the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors

LibreOffice and Google Summer of Code 2024: The results

Google Summer of Code logo

This year, LibreOffice was once again a mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global program focused on bringing more developers into free and open source software development. Seven projects were finished successfully, plus one project mentored under Linux Foundation. Contributors and

Projects selected for LibreOffice in the Google Summer of Code 2024

The LibreOffice Google Summer of Code projects have been selected for 2024.

  • Adam Seskunas – More and better tests: the project aims to add automated tests for fixes related to document export as well as converting tests written in Java to C++.
  • Ahmed Hamed – Improvement to the Functions Deck in LibreOffice Calc:

LibreOffice and Google Summer of Code 2023: The results

Google Summer of Code logo

This year, LibreOffice was once again a mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global program focused on bringing more developers into free and open source software development. Five projects were finished successfully. Contributors and mentors enjoyed the time, and here we

Projects selected for LibreOffice in the Google Summer of Code 2023

GSoC logo

The LibreOffice Google Summer of Code projects have been selected for 2023.

  • Ahmed Gamal Eltokhy – Improve PGP/GPG encryption support: the project aims to enhance the experimental PGP/GPG encryption support in LibreOffice by addressing several shortcomings, such as the need to select recipients anew for every save and the difficulty

LibreOffice and Google Summer of Code 2022: The results

Google Summer of Code logo

This year, LibreOffice was once again a mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global program focused on bringing more student developers into free and open source software development. Two projects were finished successfully. Students and mentors enjoyed the time, and here