The Writer Guide 7.2 just arrived
The new Guide comes one week after the release of the latest LibreOffice Community software
Jean H. Weber and Kees Kriek from the LibreOffice Documentation Team are happy to announce the immediate availability of the Writer Guide 7.2, one week after the release of LibreOffice Community 7.2
LibreOffice 7.2 Community includes many changes not visible in the user interface. These changes include improved interoperability with Microsoft’s proprietary file formats and performance improvements in handling large files, opening certain .docx and .xlsx files, managing font caching, and opening presentations and drawings that contain large images.
The Writer Guide 7.2 has been updated from Writer Guide 7.1. It covers changes that are visible in the user interface, including:
- Added a note about icon sets and Gallery sets in this Preface.
- Added details about the Insert > Formatting Mark submenu (Chapter 2).
- Updated list terminology and changed screenshots in Chapters 4, 8, 9, 11, and anywhere else lists are mentioned.
- Added new gutter margins and choices for page background fills (Chapters 5, 6, and 9).
- Updated details about some options on tabs of the PDF Options dialog (Chapter 7).
- Added new, advanced features of the Style Inspector (Chapter 9)
- Updated details about Templates dialog (Chapter 10).
- Added “no registered database” error message in Mail Merge Wizard (Chapter 14).
- Added information on classifying document contents (Chapter 17).
- Added Basic Fonts options and custom dictionaries (Chapter 20).
- New Chapter 21 on user interface variants.
- Minor rewording, updates to terminology, and replacement figures in many chapters.
LibreOffice Community 7.2 release notes are here:
A big thank you to Jean and Kees for their wonderful work.

Jean Weber

Kees Kriek
The LibreOffice Documentation Team is devoted to produce the best documentation for LibreOffice and is open to everyone interested in contributing to our collective effort.
Can someone please provide a link that takes me to the online shop where I can purchase the printed book versions of Libre Office guides.
Thank you.
Hi Daniel, when a printed version is available, there’ll be a link under it on this page with “Buy a printed copy”:
why not try to mashine translate into different languages.. proofread and out as pdf..
should works so far today.. imho..
i could need a german translate..
Some communities are actually using machine translation to break the language barrier and quickly get a readable text for them. But although machine translation had evolved in accuracy, the localization teams have fun correcting the machine produced mistakes and review the grammar and linguistics:
The outcome of this team effort is multiple: beside getting a a good translated textbook, the review done by local team allows to improve the consistency of the translated user interface, detect mistakes and outdated in Help pages and also report mistakes upstream, in a rich and continuous improvement.
Fell free to join your local LibreOffice documentation community and work with them.
thank you Mr. Halliot for this nice reply and the please for helping with, unfortunately have i to less time with
my “SO” Y. do i relearning in IT-SE professional and have many others to do at moment and not really the Head at other thinks like translating 🙂 I have to use WinNT10 and other Products of a specially Factory of the States what’s me extra hurts.. :\ well.. but i look forward best hope to better times for open source products in use in the factory’s 🙂 so,
the best
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