The Document Foundation has joined the Open Invention Network (OIN), to further extend the free software ecosystems. By becoming a licensee, The Document Foundation – developer of LibreOffice, a free office suite for personal and corporate productivity – has joined the growing list of organizations that recognize the importance of participating in the Open Invention Network, in order to protect the free software ecosystem from the risks associated to software patents. (more…)
FOSDEM DevRoom Call for Papers ends Monday
Next Monday, December 20th, the Call for Papers for our FOSDEM DevRoom ends. So be fast and send in your papers soon. 🙂
For more details, see
…Developer interview: Vajna Miklos
The next in the series of our interviews with LibreOffice contributors features Miklos, who was one of our successful Google Summer of Code 2010 student. He worked on rewriting and improving the RTF export filter and now he agreed to take the risk to answer our questions.

Vajna Miklos
Programming is about people: so please ! tell us a bit about yourself:
Hi, I’m Miklos Vajna, you can usually find me as vmiklos on the Freenode IRC network. I’m Hungarian, and I love this country a lot – I live here in Hungary since I born. I live at Budapest, the capital of Hungary – where this year’s OOoCon2010 was organized. I’m a Christian, right now I’m completing an M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Occasionally I blog here about what I’m currently involved in.
Any chance you can remember what was your very first program ?
I think it was a simple problem solver for some math homework we got in late elementary school. It was on DOS 6.22 in BASIC, if I recall correctly.
LibreOffice development extends to Brazil
LibreOffice development extends to Brazil
The Internet, December 6, 2010 – The Document Foundation welcomes the new BrOffice Centre of Excellence for Free Software, a software development project recently announced by BrOffice, Itaipu Binacional and the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation. The main software lab, based in Foz do Iguacu, will contribute to the development of LibreOffice (BrOffice in Brazil), and other free software projects. The activity is forecast to start in the first quarter of 2011.
LibreOffice 3.3 Release Candidate 1 available
Dear Community,
The Document Foundation is proud to announce the availability of LibreOffice 3.3 Release Candidate 1. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X from our download page at
The Document Foundation would like to thank all contributors who made this release possible.
This release candidate is not intended for production use!…
Developer Interview: Joseph Powers
We are grateful to our next interviewee whom has contributed a lot to cleaning up the code-base, improving the efficiency of icon theming, and getting stuck into making LibreOffice something more beautiful. Anyhow without further fuss:
Programming is about people: so please ! tell us a bit about yourself:
I’m Joseph Powers, JoeP on IRC, based on the American West Coast in Las Vegas, in my very early fourties, married to a wonderful woman: Abelita – a beautiful Philipina lady. I spent around four years in the US army working on computer repair, and now I work in the Entertainment industry, and live in Vegas – sadly not in the old Irish Powers’ family pile.
What was your very first program ?
I started program in high school on the Apple IIe. I’m a little bit of a math geek so most of my early programs where related to graphing math equations. I quickly moved on from BASIC and when into Pascal when my parents purchased an PC-XT for me.
What do you do when you’re not hacking on LibreOffice ?
Currently I’m employed by a Hotel/Casino group out of Las Vegas, Nevada. At work I mostly customize and maintain interfaces to our Info/Infinium supplied Human Resources, Payroll, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Fixed Assets, and Project Accounting software running on an IBM i system. The current environment is mostly RPGLE, DB2, & CL with a little JSP work (HTML, Java, & CSS).