Publishing our recommendation to Oracle

From time to time TDF is required to engage in private correspondence with parties, yet we are committed in our bylaws after a suitable period to make this content public.

In line with this commitment, and in order to demonstrate its reasonableness, we would like to publish our advice to Oracle on how best to transition the…

LibreOffice Conference Call for Papers has started

LibreOffice Conference Call for Papers has started

Five tracks on development, community and ODF
Community jury invites speakers to send in papers until July 22nd

The LibreOffice Community today announces the Call for Papers for its first annual meeting, the LibreOffice Conference (LibOCon), taking place in Paris from October 12th to 15th. The event is sponsored and supported by Region Île-de-France, Cap Digital, Novell, Canonical, Google, Red Hat, La Mouette, Ars Aperta, AF 83 and IRILL.…

Updated list of TDF members

Our membership committee has just published an updated list of Document Foundation members.

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.4.0

The new release offers several new features but is focused on contributors

The Internet, June 3rd, 2011 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.4.0, a major release of the free office suite for personal productivity developed by a community of sponsored and volunteer developers, and supported worldwide by local communities of volunteers. LibreOffice 3.4.0 is the second major release of the suite since the announcement of The Document Foundation in September 2010 and incorporates the contributions of over 120 developers (six times as many as the first beta released on the launch date).…

Statement about Oracle’s move to donate assets to the Apache Foundation

The Internet, June 1st, 2011 – The Document Foundation constitutes a global team of hundreds of developers working together to improve the LibreOffice product for the benefit of all users. We are governed by an open, and meritocratic community headed by a diverse interim Steering Committee, and a vendor neutral Engineering Steering Committee overseeing development.

Today we welcome Oracle’s donation of code that has previously been proprietary to the Apache Software Foundation, it is great to see key user features released in a form that can be included into LibreOffice.…

GreekLUG supports TDF and LibreOffice

The “Association of Greek Users&  Friends of FLOSS” (GreekLUG) is a Greek NGO actively promoting and providing support both to Free Software and to Open Standards.

We are delighted to express our full support to The Document Foundation and to the development of LibreOffice, a project that perfectly embodies all the principles of the Free Software Community.…