Last Thursday evening late, the first LibreOffice 3.5 bug hunting session was finished.
And with success. During two days about 150 people extra visited our IRC channel, evaluated bugs and submitted new ones. More then 70 bugs were filed.
The most bugs were reported by Gustavo Pacheco, who for the moment is our official Bug Hunting Hero.…
In many countries in the world, Christmas is celebrated as time of peace. In olden days, in the Northern hemisphere, it was the mid-winter celebration β looking towards the new light to come. Nowadays, sharing presents is a popular activity at Christmas time.
So, let’s look at what presents LibreOffice has left under the tree… Ah, this is clearly the outline of a new major version: 3.5 π
I’ll try to unwrap this present a little, looking beneath the shiny paper.…
Dear community, dear users, dear friends and dear colleagues,
the end of the year is approaching with big steps, and it seems that 2011 passed within just a short glimpse of time. It feels as if it was just yesterday that we celebrated New Year’s Eve, but looking back at all that has happened, it becomes evident that the last 12 months were full of activity, and a lot has happened.…
The Internet, December 21, 2011 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the first LibreOffice 3.5 bug hunting session, to be held in a virtual environment on December 28 and 29, 2011. Volunteer bug hunters will gather on the Internet from the five continents to spot software problems of the upcoming new major release, featuring a large number of improvements and new functions, in order to make LibreOffice 3.5 the best free office suite ever.…
“We are excited about the LibreOffice project”, says Monty, founder and creator of MySQL and MariaDB. “To do our part with for the project we are committed to integrate and provide excellent support for MariaDB, (the successor of MySQL from the same people that created MySQL) for LibreOffice. This includes among other things a new LGPL C drivers to connect to MariaDB or MySQL and provide bug fixing for any bug in MariaDB that seriously affects LibreOffice.”…