Technology Archive

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #8

PDF Options_001Hybrid PDFs are a peculiar feature of LibreOffice, and are extremely handy for interoperability. They are standard PDF files, which embed a standard ODF document.

Because of this characteristic, although they have a PDF extension they can

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #7

odf-guidance.odt - LibreOffice Writer_003LibreOffice Writer was born – as StarWriter – to produce lengthy documents, such as thesis and relations, and as such offers a number of specific features in this area. Two of the

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #6

AutoText_001LibreOffice offers an AutoText feature which can be accessed from the menu Edit > AutoText, which opens a simple dialog windows. The example shown in the image on the left is the well known Lorem Ipsum pseudo

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #5

noun_76831_ccToday, a very simple tip, for all those people who are using LibreOffice and own a mouse with a scroll wheel (today, most mice have a scroll wheel, or are

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #4

LibreOffice has a comprehensive AutoCorrect feature, which can be accessed from the menu Tools > AutoCorrect Options… The command opens a dialog window with five tabs: Replace, Exceptions, Options, Localized Options, and Word Completion. Replace provides a list of symbols and words which might be entered using the wrong character or misspelled, and will be

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #3

LibreOffice Impress allows to create a nice Photo Album with a few clicks of the mouse. First, you open an empty presentation. Second, you access the feature with Insert > Media > Photo Album. Third, you press the Add button to select your pictures from your hard disk. Fourth, you choose your options (slide layout,