Community Archive

LibreOffice contributor interview: Regina Henschel

Regina Henschel LibreOffice developer

Now that the LibreOffice Conference has finished, we’re back to our regular contributor interviews. This week it’s the turn of Regina Henschel who helps LibreOffice users by answering questions, testing new features and working on bug reports.

What is your IRC nickname / location /

LibreOffice contributor interview: Susobhan Ghosh

Susobhan Ghosh LibreOffice developer

In this week’s interview, we talk to Susobhan Ghosh, who got involved in the project earlier this year and has been working on tasks for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC).

First off, what’s your IRC nickname, nationality and blog URL?

Behind the scenes at TDF: LibreOffice major releases

tdf-roadtolo52LibreOffice has a time-based release schedule (, with a major announcement every six months: early February, and early August. A time-based release schedule is predictable, and as such makes it easier to plan large deployments and subsequent

LibreOffice contributor interview: Franklin Weng

It’s been over a month since our last contributor interview, as we’ve been busy with the release of LibreOffice 5.2, but now we’re back – and this time we’re talking to Franklin Weng, who is active within the marketing and migration teams.

Franklin Weng, LibreOffice contributor

What is your

The Document Foundation Bookshop on Lulu

We have opened a bookshop on Lulu, where people can buy a printed copy of TDF Annual Report 2015.

Vetrina di The Document Foundation

LibreOffice 5.2: A week in stats

One week ago we announced LibreOffice 5.2, a new major release with enterprise-level features and user interface improvements. So what has happened in the meantime?

Here’s a selection of statistics from the last seven days showing activity in and around the LibreOffice project:

  • 310,491 – downloads of LibreOffice 5.2

And note: those are just downloads from our