One of the most valueable assets of The Document Foundation, the charitable entity behind LibreOffice, clearly is its infrastructure. It provides the grounds where the community develops, markets, designs, improves and offers its free office suite for download.
That’s why it comes to no surprise that the infrastructure budget is one of the largest spendings. As
Soon, we will have the LibreOffice Hackfest in the city of Munich, from November 23 to 25. In order to help us with planning, please don’t forget to register for participation in our wiki at
Looking forward to meeting you in Munich!
We would like to publish a collection of images from the LibreOffice Conference 2012. Lots of people at the venue made photos, and we invite you to share them with us. ๐
You can upload them at
Here’s how to do that:
- Please ZIP them,
- put a file with your name
- as well as the image license into the
Just about one more week, and this years’ LibreOffice Conference takes place in Berlin. I would like to remind you that theย deadline for the registration ends tomorrow,
Monday, October 8th, 2012, at 21:59 UTC
If you want to attend the conference, and didn’t register so far, we urge you to do so within the deadline at
City of Munich LiMux project hosts Hackfest late November
Fostering the developer community of the free office suite
The LibreOffice Community today announces the next Hackfest, taking place in Munich, Germany from November 23rd to 25th. With developers of the leading free office suite working on improving the code, the Hackfest promises to be a major
Tracks on development, marketing, migration and community success
The Document Foundation to host official ODF Plugfest and ODF Plugtesting
The LibreOffice community today announces the program for its Berlin conference (October 17th to 19th). Taking place at the conference center of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), and sponsored by leading players