V Latin American LibreOffice Congress – A meeting point for the entire Latin American community

V Congreso Latinoamericano de LibreOffice

Our community in the region writes:

After successful previous events in Paraguay, Brazil and Mexico, the largest event of the LibreOffice project in Latin America arrives in Uruguay.

With the aim of bringing together users and collaborators to promote the dissemination of knowledge and experiences related to LibreOffice, the 2024 edition of the Latin American Congress will be held on December 5 and 6, at Espacio Colabora, in Montevideo.

For the realization of the event, the LibreOffice Project has the support of several local Free Software collectives: Resistencia Programada, Impulso Libre, GNLUG and Undernet.

Guest speakers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Spain, Italy and France will present tutorials on the use of the applications and ways to collaborate with the project. The schedule and registration link will be released shortly on the event’s official website.

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