LibreOffice Calc Guide 7.4 is released
The new Calc Guide 7.4 bring updated information for users on the latest LibreOffice 7.4 release.
Skip Masonsmith and Kees Kriek of the LibreOffice Documentation Team are happy to announce the immediate availability of the LibreOffice Calc Guide 7.4.
The guide is for beginner to advanced users of Calc, the spreadsheet component of LibreOffice. The book introduces the features and functions of LibreOffice Calc. It is not a tutorial on using spreadsheets. Some chapters assume familiarity with basic spreadsheet usage when describing how to use Calc.
“It has been fantastic to join the LibreOffice documentation community of technical writing experts. As I worked on the Calc Guide 7.4 updates, I was well supported by the team to ensure the best outcome for everyone. It was a great experience and I look forward to working on more guides with the team.” said Skip Masonsmith, Calc Guide 7.4 coordinator.

Skip Masonsmith

Kees Kriek
The teamwork effort of Skip and Kees allowed to release the Calc Guide 7.4 in record time. The team decided to skip the Calc Guide 7.3 and merged it into the latest release 7.4.
The guide is available to download at the Documentation website and at the LibreOffice Bookshelf website. Both PDF and the source files are available. Our team used LibreOffice master documents to assemble the book and updated the style template for improved reading and text layout.
The community is invited to comment and give us feedback on the LibreOffice Calc 7.4 guide by joining our Documentation FORUM. Come along and let’s turn our Guides in the best LibreOffice user documentation reference.
Dear Olivier Hallot, this is very nice news. A big thank you to dear Skip Masonsmith and Kees Kriek. As LibreOffice Turkey, we tried to contribute by making the following news. Hearty greetings.;topicseen#msg29413