10 Jun 2012
TDF InfoGraphics, May 2012
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Italo please can we have an info-graphic for LibreOffice downloads? A download counter will be great to see this great software spread. This download counter & info-graphic can show the geographic & OS adoption.
We are working to provide the download figures, but I anticipate that you will have to wait until the LibreOffice Conference in Berlin to get them on a regular basis.
What about adding a graph about donations? If the donations are dicreasing, maybe people will realise it’s the right moment to make one…
Donations are actually increasing, although slowly. We get donations from several sources, and in order to provide a visual representation of the data you need some additional tweaking (i.e., you need time).
Re the number of commits, is it for all branches or just trunk / master?
Interesting graph. However you need to make sure that only non-HTML news summaries go to the main http://www.libreoffice.org page because the text there is often incomprehensible due to non-rendering of HTML there.
Why are the code commits per month decreasing? I thought LO gets more and more popular (-> more and more commits)? Has it already reached its maximum dev speed?
I think it’d be even better to comment on the numbers than just to show them. For example: What happened in April 2011? There’s a huge drop in commits and commiters. And it doesn’t recover back to the maximum, but even looks like it has the tendency to decrease further slowly (in average).
I would say that code commits are incredibly stable, after the drop in April 2011 due to the closing of the OOo project (we were integrating code developed at OOo, and all the 53 Oracle – former Sun – developers disappeared at once). The number of developers is increasing, but as most of them are volunteers they cannot commit on a stable basis. Notwithstanding, the number of committers and commits is incredibly stable, although there are peaks and valleys as in every free software project where you do not have a majority of developers paid by a single corporation. If you have a look at the Linux kernel on Ohloh (https://www.ohloh.net/p/linux) you will see a similar trend if you visualize the data over a two/three year span.
Can we get a translation in French of the terms use in he graph ? that would be very useful… Thanks.
Someone has already criticised 3D representation of 2D data for a previous LO stat summary. Since all barcharts and piecharts here should be presented in 2D, I repeat those critiques. This is absolutely illegal and shown in statistical textbooks as how NOT to present data, because the 3rd dimension means nothing but helps misinterpretation of the data, therefore confusion, especially for piecharts. Indeed, 3D option for the piechart should be removed from Calc, since it can not be used for the presentation of real 3D data. I am aware, that many corporate users are fond of these shiny options even if they are misleading. I think however that good software should NOT include professionally faulty options.
Besides my critiques, I am happy with the fast development and the spread of LO.