LibreOffice Math Guide 7.0 is Published

The Math Guide 7.0 is the first book published based on LibreOffice 7.0

The Documentation Team is happy to announce the publication of the Math Guide 7.0, the latest update of the guide based on the recently released LibreOffice 7.0, the best open source office suite ever.

Math Guide 7.0

The effort was mostly carried by Rafael Lima and reviewed by Jean H. Weber. The new guide covers were designed by Rizal Muttaqin and Drew Jensen. The final publication was carried by Olivier Hallot.

“I work as a university professor in Brazil and I often write papers and prepare presentations that involve mathematical models and notation, and for that I’ve been using LibreOffice Math for over a year. When I read about the Documentation Team on a TDF blog post and learned that the Math Guide needed a volunteer, I felt it was my chance to contribute back to the LibreOffice project” said Rafael Lima, leader of the project. “The experience was seamless and it has been a pleasure working with the Documentation Team. Now I am looking forward to continuing contributing to the project, not only with the Math Guide, but also in other publications developed and maintained by the team.” he added.

Rafael Lima

The new Math Guide is available at the documentation website at and the source files are on the LibreOffice wiki at

Happy documenting!


  1. By Dan