LibreOffice DevRoom at FOSDEM 2012 in Brussels
The Internet, January 24, 2012 – TDF and LibreOffice will be on stage at FOSDEM 2012 conference in Brussels, Belgium, on February 4 and 5, with a dedicated track and a booth where it will be possible to meet developers and other volunteers and ask for information about contributing to the project.
Michael Meeks, member of TDF Board of Directors, says: “We’re honored to be hosted at FOSDEM again, the key event for Free Software hackers in Europe, and we’ve lined up a large number of our core contributors to give talks and mentor interested hackers”.
LibreOffice has just surpassed the number of 390 code contributors completely new to the project since the announcement on September 28, 2010. The 400th new code contributor might be announced at FOSDEM, and will be awarded a free LibreOffice T-Shirt.
With an average of close to 80 code contributors per month since January 2011, LibreOffice has been one of the largest Free Software projects during the last year (source: Ohloh).
Hi Italo,
would it be a correct asumption this average of 80 monthly contributors involves full-time (paid) developers AND community developers ???
How many full-time developers aprox work nowadays for LibreOffice ?
Is it asking too much knowing it related to contractor (Red Hat, SuSe, Canonical, etc …) ???
Congrats for the great job you are doing, LO simply rocks !!!
Thank you very much.
PS 1 .- I am very interested in what is going to happen with MS Office 2007/2010 – ODF 1.2 interoperability issue … let’s see what happens.
PS 2 (Off topic) .- I wonder if a LO plugin for Firefox will be a priority for LO 3.6.
Yes, the average of 80 includes full-time and volunteer developers. Full-time are around 30, but only 2/3 commit on a monthly basis (other are involved in background activities, which are extremely important, but are not counted as commits). We might publish soon a pie chart with the split between companies, although this will not give a perfect picture as the different people have different tasks.
Hi Italo,
the question about the company splitted information is motivated mainly due to curiosity regarded to the financial effort companies are taking (having in mind their own weigh in the global market) and ALSO the evolution in time of this effort. For instance … AFAIK Canonical has one full-time developer … on the other hand RedHat HAD two developers but some recent info ( suggested that they could have four. That was what I meant …
Thanks a lot.
Numbers from our GIT repository are the following: SUSE 23, RedHat 8, Canonical 4, Lanedo 3, SIL 2, City of Munich 2, ALTA (Brazil) 1, CodeThink 1, Bobiciel 1, Tata Consultancy Services (India) 1, Funky 1, Nou & Off 1. All these people are full time employees of a company, but might or might not be full time LibreOffice hackers, as they might also be involved – for instance – in Level 3 support at SUSE, or in packaging at Fedora, or in Unity development at Canonical, or in other tasks at other companies. I would not forget, also, the 275 volunteer developers, as some of them are hacking almost on a daily basis (five of them are amongst the top 20 developers by changeset, together with 9 SUSE, 4 Red Hat, 1 Canonical and 1 Oracle – former – hacker).
All that said, we think it is far more important to see a steady growing number of developers aggregating around LibreOffice and TDF, as this is the demonstration of a healthy and thriving project. You can find some additional data on my personal blog:
I have a notebook(AMD Turion X2-72 2.1 Ghz, 4 GB Ram, 400 GB harddisk).
Libre Office 3.4 is slow opening after computer startup.
(approximately one minute)
The graph here is not at all the same graph in Ohloh:
also what happen between July 2011 to August 2011?
The graph is definitely different, as we have counted just new committers since September 2010, while the Ohloh graph you are pointing at does not make a distinction between old and new committers. Ohloh data might be used for a large number of visual representations (all equally accurate, and all equally interesting). You can find additional examples here: (all graphs are based on Ohloh data, without any tweaking).
The steep increase in the graph representing lines of code is due to a reorganization of the GIT repository, which is just one of the several actions LibreOffice developers have put in place to improve the project infrastructure (which is not visible to the user, but is very important for the quality). LibreOffice has inherited a huge technical debt from OOo, which has been tackled by developers with a number of different activities over time. Although we have done a lot, there is still a lot to do.
quai é o preçooo
Is there any data approximating how much totalt work is put into the different components of Libre Office. Calc and Writer are giving much higher priority compared to Impress it appears. Is anyone at all working primarily on Impress improvement? It feels neglected, glaring bugs and all.