The LibreOffice Extensions Repository now has 100 projects listed. Congratulations to all community members involved in this success!
…Interview with Björn Michaelsen about the Hackfest
(by Jorge Rodriguez and Hans de Vries)
Please, tell us something about you and your activities? And how you became involved with Open Source Software and LibreOffice?
I started to get involved with Open Source when I was still a student. I got involved quite a bit with Gentoo (the Linux distribution) in its early days, somewhere around Gentoo 1.2.…
We have a DevRoom at FOSDEM!
LibreOffice has a DevRoom at FOSDEM!
FOSDEM is the premier open source developers conference, and the most significant developers conference for LibreOffice after the annual LibreOffice conference. Please find time to come if you can. Talk submissions about the LibreOffice project is welcome: development, infrastructure, marketing, code overviews, specific features etc. but must have a focus on, and be accessible to developers.…
public BoD phone conferences every 2nd Wednesday
I am happy to announce, that the TDF BoD calls will take place every 2nd Wednesday at 1600 UTC, starting on November 16th, 2011, and are scheduled to run for one hour. Most calls will be public, but according to our Bylaws, there might be private calls as well. Their contents will be, in accordance with our Bylaws, be made public as soon as and when possible.…
LibreOffice mail accounts
Back in the days of, contributors to the project were entitled to get an e-mail address they could use for their project-related work. With LibreOffice, at the moment only official spokespersons and members of the BoD and MC have a e-mail address.
We at TDF strongly believe in contributors identifying themselves with the work they do, with the community they’re engaged in, and with the software they develop, translate, document, market, provide infrastructure for and give users support for.…
TDF announces its new Membership Committee
The Document Foundation is proud to announce its new Membership Committee today. The following individuals are its members:
- André Schnabel
- Fridrich Strba
- Norbert Thiebaud
- Simon Phipps
- Sophie Gautier
The following individuals are its deputies:
- Cor Nouws
- Drew Jensen
The process of their nomination has been discussed publically. The role of the Membership Committee is defined in the Community Bylaws.…