TDF in 2012: a summary

I have tried to summarize in a single text what we – members, developers, volunteers, native language communities, advocates and supporters – have achieved during 2012. Looking back, it has been amazing.

TDF has started 2012 with a hackers community of 379 individuals, mostly volunteers, which has continued to grow steadily – month after month – and has now reached the amazing figure of 567 developers (320 active during the last 12 months, which means that LibreOffice is the third largest open source desktop software project after Chrome and Firefox).…

Linux Journal Best Office Suite 2012

I don’t think that the screenshots need additional comments: LibreOffice is THE free office suite of reference for the Linux environment, surpassing every other software by a factor of six, and LibreOffice Writer is THE best single office program (sharing the spot with OOo Writer, hopefully for the last time, as LibreOffice is the de facto standard for all Linux distributions since 2011).…

LibreOffice Munich Hack-fest


The intense pace of development work on LibreOffice as we approach our 4.0 release has rather delayed an update on our recent extremely successful LibreOffice hack-fest. To give an idea of the work going on, instead of the around 1500 commits per month we normally get, we had nearly a month’s worth of commits in the last two weeks before our feature freeze, with lots of bug fixing ever since; things have been busy.

Some portion of this work was done by the more than thirty LibreOffice developers that arrived to augment the existing Munich Limux developers – who kindly hosted us. Munich is a forward looking enterprise who have deployed Linux to their fifteen-thousand users, and have committed to moving to LibreOffice.  First of all – many thanks to our friendly hosts who provided a great venue, helped feed us, so we could continue coding late into the night, and tidied up the detritus afterwards: your contribution is greatly appreciated.

It was also nice to meet a number of the Debian guys – who had a separate room for a parallel bug squashing party some of whom took an interest in and did a little LibreOffice work too. We had over thirty participants for LibreOffice alone, with other new people we’d never met before showing up and getting involved over the weekend which was particularly encouraging.

So what did we get done ?


LibreOffice runs on the Raspberry Pi

The full fledged free office suite is available on the credit card sized single-board computer developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation

Cambridge (UK) and Berlin (Germany), December 17, 2012 – The Raspberry Pi Foundation ( and The Document Foundation ( announce the availability of the full fledged version of LibreOffice (

LibreOffice Conference 2013 Proposals

Following our public call for locations, The Document Foundation has received the following two proposals for hosting the LibreOffice Conference 2013, in alphabetical order:

The Document Foundation would like to thank all proponents for their support, which is truly appreciated!…

The LibreOffice community organises a 6 day Test Marathon to help preparing the new 4.0 version of LibreOffice

Berlin, December 7 2012 – The Document Foundation announces the LibreOffice 4.0 Test Marathon. During 6 days, from December 14 to 19, users and supporters around the world will be testing the first beta of the upcoming LibreOffice 4.0.

The final version of LibreOffice 4.0 will be released in February 2013. By organising this big Test Marathon early, the developers will be able to fix many bugs before the release candidates and the final version are made available.…