Community Archive

LibreOffice Community Smiles #14

Olivier Hallot, from Rio de Janeiro, smiling during a meeting at FISL in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

LibreOffice Community Smiles #13

Christian “cloph” Lohmaier, TDF release engineer, smiling under the sun in Munich

São Paulo LibreOffice Hack-Doc 2017

Because Documentation Matters

The Instituto de Física Teórica of the State University of São Paulo (UNESP), under Prof. Dr. Marcelo Yamashita’s administration, hosted the Brazilian LibreOffice documentation community, which is committed to achieving a final sprint for the review and

LibreOffice Community Smiles #12

Thomas Krumbein smiling while making sure that I was really cooking pasta (based on locally sourced raw ingredients at the Linux Hotel in Essen)

LibreOffice Community Smiles #11

Arnaud Versini, a member of the French community, smiling in Aahrus

LibreOffice Community Smiles #10

Enio Gemmo and Florian Effenberger testing their smiles just before the group picture in front of the Capitol in Rome