Berlin, February 3, 2014 – LibreOffice Impress Remote for iPhone/iPad is now available on the iTunes Store. The app allows to use your smartphone to remotely manage the LibreOffice Impress presentation running on your laptop,
Announcements Archive
LibreOffice Impress Remote for iPhone/iPad is now available
LibreOffice 4.2: focusing on performance and interoperability, and improving the integration with Microsoft Windows
Berlin, January 30, 2014 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.2, a new major release targeted to early adopters and another significant step forward for the best free office suite ever. LibreOffice 4.2 features a large number of performance and interoperability improvements targeted to users of all kinds, but particularly appealing for power and enterprise
LibreOffice is available on the iPad and Chromebooks thanks to rollApp
Berlin, December 30, 2013 – The Document Foundation is happy to acknowledge that the most recent version of LibreOffice – the best free office suite ever – is available on the iPad and Chromebooks as a cloud application, thanks to rollApp online virtualization technology.
rollApp iPad and Chromebook users don’t download or install the software, as
Results Elections TDF Board of Directors
Cor Nouws posted this today:
Dear members,
I hereby announce the final results of The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors elections 2013. With the challenging phase having ended without any objection to the preliminary results, the following results are now the final ones.
Elected as member are the candidates, in this order: Thorsten Behrens, Eliane Domingos de Sousa,
The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.1.4
Berlin, December 18, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 4.1.4, for Windows, MacOS X and Linux, the fourth minor release of the LibreOffice 4.1 family and the first also suggested for corporate deployments (with professional support from certified developers).
LibreOffice is backed by a growing ecosystem of independent companies providing value added services for
Preliminary results Elections TDF Board of Directors
Cor Nouws posted this message today:
Dear members,
This is the announcement of the preliminary results of the voting for the Board of Directors. The number of members that casted their votes is 115, 57 members did not. And of course we thank all those who ran for elections!
With those preliminary results, elected as member of the