The importance of LinkedIn Pages for the LibreOffice Project

LinkedIn has reached the number of 750 million subscribers worldwide, and is now the best social media to support products, as it is used by almost 100% of enterprises (click on the above thumbnails to see the full image). The Document Foundation has launched the foundation and the LibreOffice LinkedIn pages a while ago, followed in late 2020 by the LibreOffice Enterprise LinkedIn page. These pages have grown organically during the years to reach respectively 1,169, 1.055 and 197 followers. It is now time to leverage the effective potential of these content resources for the growth of the project, especially in areas which are not directly related to the FOSS ecosystem.

We need the help of TDF and community members to grow the number of people subscribed to these pages, and to add contents about community activities, product development, migrations, large enterprise deployments, and the open document format. In general, community activities should be published on The Document Foundation page, product development and open document format news on the LibreOffice page, migrations and large enterprise deployments on the LibreOffice Enterprise page. We are happy to receive your content suggestions, and to put them online.

In addition, if you are not yet a LinkedIn member, you should create your own profile and link it to The Document Foundation and LibreOffice, as this will increase the relevance of the pages, and this will attract subscribers from other FOSS projects and also from outside FOSS projects.

The Document Foundation LinkedIn page

To go to the page and subscribe, click on the image

LibreOffice LinkedIn page

To go to the page and subscribe, click on the image

LibreOffice Enterprise LinkedIn page

To go to the page and subscribe, click on the image


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