TDF new Board of Directors

TDF Board of Directors (old and new), Membership Committee and Team members in Brussels, just before FOSDEM 2020 (Marina Latini and Sophie Gautier arrived after the meeting, while Osvaldo Gervasi did not attend FOSDEM, so they are all missing from the picture)
The new Board of Directors of The Document Foundation has just started the two year term on February 18, 2020. Members are: Michael Meeks, Thorsten Behrens, Franklin Weng, Daniel Rodriguez, Cor Nouws, Lothar Becker and Emiliano Vavassori. Deputies are: Nicolas Christener and Paolo Vecchi.
Five people have been elected for the first time to the Board of Directors: Daniel Armando Rodriguez from Posadas in Argentina; Lothar Becker from Karlsruhe in Germany; Emiliano Vavassori from Bergamo in Italy; Nicholas Christener from Bern in Switzerland; and Paolo Vecchi from Luxembourg (in Luxembourg).
During the first meeting of the Board of Directors, the nine members have elected Lothar Becker as Chairman and Franklin Weng as Deputy Chairman. In the meantime, also the responsibilities and areas of oversight have been discussed and decided.
At the same time, six people – who have served as board members and deputies during the previous term(s) – have left the board, but will continue their activity as TDF Members: Marina Latini, Chairwoman; Björn Michaelsen, Deputy Chairman; Eike Rathke, Member; and Jan Holešovský, Simon Phipps and Osvaldo Gervasi, Deputies.
Each one of these six people was responsible for several BoD activities:
- Marina Latini: QA, Documentation, and Certification (and other business development activities) after four years of service (BoD);
- Björn Michaelsen: Releases (including schedules), Events, and Affiliations after eight years of service (BoD);
- Eike Rathke: Development, and Contracts/Legal (hiring, taxes, compliance, GDPR, trademarks and brands) after eight years of service (BoD/MC);
- Jan Holešovský: Infrastructure, and Documentation after six years of service (BoD/MC);
- Simon Phipps: License, Affiliations, and Contracts/Legal (hiring, taxes, compliance, GDPR, trademarks and brands) after six years of service (BoD/MC);
- Osvaldo Gervasi: Documentation, and Native Language Projects (localization, marketing, non-English QA activities, etc) after four years of service (BoD).
Being a Board member means donating each year several weeks of activity to TDF – for full day face-to-face meetings (twice a year, at FOSDEM in Brussels and LibOCon), and for bi-weekly calls (which usually last a couple of hours) – to manage the foundation and administer the budget, mostly based on donations.
We are deeply grateful to all of these for their dedication, contribution to decision making and for all of their volunteer time spent in BoD duties, as well as for their ongoing contribution to the project.
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