LibreOffice Conference 2016 in Brno (Czech Republic)

Brno-ViewfromSpilberkBerlin, October 12, 2015 – The Document Foundation announces that the next LibreOffice Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Information Technology @ Brno University of Technology ( ) and jointly organized with OpenAlt ( and Red Hat Czech (, from September 7 to September 9, 2016. The community will gather from September 6 for a number of internal meetings.

The Brno University of Technology is one of the largest and most influential IT universities in the Czech Republic. OpenAlt is a Czech not for profit organization which promotes the free software ethos and culture in the country. Red Hat Czech is a software development lab with over 700 employees (the largest development facility within the company).

Brno is the capital of Moravia and the second largest city in the Czech Republic, with a population of about 400.000.

The local team is staffed by Jiří Eischmann, Jaroslav Řezník and Jan Štafa from Red Hat and OpenAlt; Ladislav Nešněra, Jan Pacner and Jiří Beránek from Open Alt; and Miloš Šrámek from the LibreOffice community.

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