31 Dec 2011
Thanks for all that supported our first LibreOffice 3.5 bug hunting session !
Last Thursday evening late, the first LibreOffice 3.5 bug hunting session was finished.
And with success. During two days about 150 people extra visited our IRC channel, evaluated bugs and submitted new ones. More then 70 bugs were filed.
The most bugs were reported by Gustavo Pacheco, who for the moment is our official Bug Hunting Hero. It is not sure for how long he may use that title: on January 20 and 21, there will be a next Bug Hunting Session, so new chances for our supporters to help make LibreOffice 3.5.0 the best free office suite ever!
Again a big thanks for all!
I’ve written a novel using LibreOffice Writer which I thought was great until I began rewriting my drafts. Through at least ten editions now, I have come to fine-tooth editing and printing to discover many random passages barely readable. Replacing them with new pastes from new copy, deleting and retyping in place, trying three different printers, changing fonts, changing from ODT, to DOC., etc., etc., etc., I have concluded not only that the faulty passages were all program disapproved cut-and-paste bits from earlier drafts, but more annoying is the realization that the program memory doesn’t permit replacement copy at all! I will have to retype my entire novel as a new document! Grr!
I loved OpenOffice but switched to OfficeLibre when you-know-what . . . Having resisted Microsoft programs up to now, I think I’ll have to give in to MSWord!
Ribynelle, You’re doing something terribly wrong, or there’s something terribly wrong with your setup. What is the version you’re using? What is the version of Windows? What is your antivirus program? Could you send a short excerpt to me? k-u-b-a–at–m-a-r-e-im-b-r-iu-mdot-org. Simply make a copy of the file, then open it, and select-then-delete most of it. Let me know exactly what is wrong, and what you’d expect. There must be an easy solution for this, since I have been using it a lot for various things and I’m yet to see anything like what you describe.
Sorry for misspelling your name, Rubynelle š I caught it right after I clicked “post comment”.