LibOCon 2019 Call for Location
Once a year, the LibreOffice Community hosts its annual, global community event, the LibreOffice Conference. After a successful Paris event in October 2011, in Berlin in October 2012, in Milano in September 2013, in Bern in September 2014, in Aarhus in September 2015, in Brno in September 2016, and in Rome in October 2017, the venue for the upcoming year 2018 will be in Tirana.
To ease organization, The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors (BoD) has decided to open the call for locationĀ for 2019 in advance, so that organizers of the 2019 conference have the opportunity to attend the Tirana event, in order to get acquainted with the conference details.
Traditionally, the LibreOffice Conference takes place between September and November, with a preference for September. The LibreOffice Conference in Tirana is scheduled at the end of the month of September, from Wednesday 26 to Friday 28, on the very day of the 8th anniversary of the LibreOffice project. Community meetings will be organized on Tuesday, September 25.
All the elements which have to be included in the proposal are described with plenty of details on this page: The deadline for sending the proposal is June 30, 2018.
After receiving the applications, TDF BoD and Team will evaluate the proposals to check if all preconditions are fulfilled, and give applicants a chance to clarify all details. A decision will be taken during the month of July.
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